Various attempts have been made for the turbulence control for drag and flow-induced noise both in industries and academic institutes for the decades. However, as Richard Feynman described it as 'the most important unsolved problem of classical physics', turbulence is notorious for its complexity and irregularity, which has significantly hampered the application of a systematic and organized approach in flow control. We are conducting following researches to develop systematic and universal flow-control methodologies for attaining effective drag and noise reduction.
Turbulence simulations
Develop a method for simulating turbulent flows
: To simulate turbulent flows effectively and efficiently, without losing much accuracy
Large eddy simulation (LES)
Wall-modeled large eddy simulation (WMLES)
Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)
- :To consider interactions between deformable structures and the fluid flow
Multiphase flow
Core-annular flow
Turbulent bubbly Flow